April expressions

It’s been a busy start to April. New job, parents over for a week, leg injury while playing football, playing football nonetheless and training for my first triathlon of the year.

First things first – having my folks over was great, but a week was way too short. It’s always nice to see them, but I was a bit worried about them, especially my dad. They are getting on in years and every time I see them I can tell the difference in health from the last as there is generally a big gap in between. I worry that each time I see them will be the last, so I plan to travel to Malta, hopefully with the kids, to see them before soon.

They don’t write songs about Volvos
So I’ve been with Chevrolet for two weeks and everything has met my high expectations. People are great and friendly, work is exactly what I ever wanted to do and the cars are fantastic.

We are organizing a number of events over the next months which will keep us all very busy. These include car launches and celebrations for the centenary of Chevrolet. I was also reading up on the history behind the man who gave our company its name, Louis Chevrolet – a Swiss émigré. He was a fascinating person and his achievements will be celebrated this year.

Automatic bliss
My boss told me how dangerous it was to drive behind a person driving in an automatic for the first time – people not used to it tend to slam on the brakes thinking it is the clutch, with obvious consequences. Until last week, I had never driven a car with an automatic transmission, and believed people who did were just lazy.

The same evening, I was taking the Chevrolet Epica (soon to be replaced by the Malibu) home. A lovely looking car, I thought as I walked towards it in our garage in Glattbrugg. Then I opened the door – of course it was an automatic.

I semi-freaked out, but then just made sure to keep reminding myself – all the way home – that my left (injured) leg should not be moved. It’s so comfortable and easy, realxing and stress-free, especially in traffic. I am a convert. Unless it’s a Camaro, my next car will be an automatic!

Injury feast
Speaking of injuries, I hurt myself while playing football. Something in the meniscus of my left knee (leg?). Last week, while still injured, I played a game of football with my team, FC Othmarsingen – we lost badly. And today, while out jogging, I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. This coupled with my chronic hamstring injury in the same leg. And the icing on the cake – a stiff neck! Ah, sports is really healthy for you.

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